Ensure you are deploying eDNA kits and tests in the most efficient way possible, to give you the best answers to your questions. Speak with our survey design team and ensure you make the most of your investment with customized sampling plans, tailored to your project needs using our wealth of eDNA knowledge applied to hundreds of other projects. Consider survey design for your projects, especially if you’re working across a very large or complex site or surveying across multiple sampling locations. This ensures your biomonitoring aims are fulfilled, as well as potentially introducing economies of scale where applicable.
How it works?
1. Briefing
A 30-minute call with our specialists to understand your project needs and discuss possibilities.
2. Site analysis and assessment
Our team will analyze your site remotely and calculate the number and type of kits required based on site size, habitat types and project goals.
3. Strategy & Delivery
Our team will create several sampling strategies which balance aims with budget options. If necessary, we’ll account for remote areas to maximize data impact for sampling effort. We’ll provide you with a final slide deck and mapping of sampling locations that we’ll discuss with you in a 1-hour review call.
4. Review
We offer up to 2 rounds of amendments.
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