Your results will be issued in the form of an eDNA report. All reports are accessed through the NatureMetrics Intelligence Platform (except the great crested newt for UK licensing reports, which are delivered through the Portal). You’ll be notified through email when a new report is available to view.
There are 3 different types of reports:
If you have an Insights subscription, you’ll have access to our interactive Insights reporting, using cutting-edge metrics to help you gain the deepest insights possible from your eDNA data. Need to compare survey results across time, and/or over multiple sites or assets? Need to quickly and easily share these results internally, or with external stakeholders? Our Insights product is the reporting solution for you. (Please note, Insights includes our standard reporting). For more info, click here.
Our standard multi-species (metabarcoding) reports are comprised of a PDF overview with data visualizations (example here) plus an excel containing the full list of species detected, DNA sequences, taxonomic details, metrics and quality control info (example here). Please consult our interpretation guide here.
Our standard single-species (qPCR) reports are a PDF (example here) detailing your detection results which will be either: positive (target species detected), negative (target species not detected), or inconclusive (target species not detected, but this could be a false negative due to the sample not passing quality control).
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