We provide an eDNA kit and test to survey for great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) for use in the UK only, under UK licensing regulations. Consult this link for more information on shipping and pricing or book a call with our team to discuss further.
If you are not surveying in the UK, or as part of licensing work, you can use the single-species (qPCR) test (assay) instead.
If you wish to purchase Great crested newt (for UK licensing) products, these are available only via our Portal. Your report will also be issued there. If you have any questions or issues, contact our support team here.
Why do I need a great crested newts survey?
Development can have a large impact on this species. Great crested newts are listed as a European Protected Species under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2017). They are also protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981).
Can I use eDNA methods to survey great crested newts?
Natural England has approved eDNA as a recognized method for confirming presence of great crested newts in ponds during mating season (April 15th - June 30th). You can be confident knowing that NatureMetrics follows Natural England’s approved protocol (WC1067), ensuring our tests meet regulatory requirements.
Why choose NatureMetrics for your great crested newts eDNA surveys?
We are a leader in eDNA research and have dedicated ultra-clean laboratories for DNA extraction and qPCR analysis to guard against contamination. We are proud to have scored 100% proficiency for five years running for this service which we have provided since 2015. Finally, whether you need a last-minute order or a super-fast turnaround, we will do our best to meet your needs during this sampling season.
How many kits do I need?
Natural England states that you should use “…one kit per pond up to an area of 1 hectare. Beyond this, use an additional kit per hectare”. Two kits should be used for a pond between 1-2 hectares in size, and each kit should be used to sample one half of the pond in accordance with the Natural England protocol.
When can this survey be taken?
Natural England states that samples should be taken between 15th April and 30th June.
How long can great crested newt sampling kits be kept for?
Kits have a shelf life of 3 months and should be stored at ambient temperature before use. Kits can be stored at ambient temperature after use if shipped on the day of collection. Refrigerate at 2-4°C if storing overnight (or longer) before shipping. Samples can be stored for up to 1 month in the refrigerator before analysis but should not be frozen. We advise that samples are returned to our lab as soon as possible.
What does the ‘score’ in my test (assay) results mean?
A low score can be interpreted as a sample containing a low amount of great crested newt eDNA, while a high score can be interpreted as a sample containing a high amount of great crested newt eDNA. Samples with a score of 1 are still classed as positive for great crested newt, in accordance with the Natural England protocol, but we would recommend that these ponds are resurveyed using a conventional survey or eDNA survey, to confirm species presence. Note that a negative result does not preclude the presence of great crested newt eDNA. If individuals are present in low abundance, they may not be shedding enough DNA.
What do ‘inconclusive’ results mean?
Even though we deploy a range of processes and solutions to minimize this risk, inconclusive results may arise because DNA is degraded, or samples are inhibited. Ponds with an inconclusive result should be resampled.
How long does great crested newt eDNA take to degrade?
eDNA can last for up to 300 hours in aquatic systems, but there is no definitive answer. The degradation of DNA is slowest when it is cold, dark, or when the DNA is bound to sediment.
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